Craps: Betting the Basics

Every craps player has his or her own philosophy of play. Some wild action players look to make as much money from each bet as possible. They will bet proposition bets such as the Any Seven, individual numbers such as 2, 3, 11 and 12, the Horn and the like.

My mentor the late Captain of craps, the man I wrote about in my latest book I Am a Dice Controller, called all proposition bets “crazy crapper bets” and with good reason; the chances of keeping the game a close contest between the player and the casino was a longshot indeed.


Craps: Seven Deadly Sins

Craps is the most exciting game in the casinos. Craps players are an interesting and diverse lot too – from working-class men and women betting a small percentage of their incomes, all the way up to the economic elite of society betting tens of thousands of dollars on a single roll of the dice.

“Baby needs a new pair of shoes,” one says. Another says, “I need a new Lear jet!” It doesn’t matter what category you are in, the game holds fascination and thrills galore no matter your betting level.


Craps: Ruining Your Fun

Okay, this column might ruin your fun if you are a craps player. That is correct. As a busy-bodied gambling writer I want everyone to see craps the way I see it because, well, I am right.

First, as craps players know and as many novices hovering near the table can readily see, craps has such a variety of bets that it can give a new player a headache. Watching players throwing out their chips and calling out weird names (“I’ll take a C and E.” “Give me a Yo for five dollars!” “All the hard ways my man!”) will make many a wishful thinking would-be players scoot right back over to the slots. (“That craps game is crazy!”)


Craps: Back to the Basics

Craps is one of the more intense and therefore more fun games in a casino. But it’s also among the more difficult to understand. With this column, I’m beginning a series on the basics of Craps to perhaps help even more people learn how to roll the dice.


Craps Table - Copy


To begin, it helps to understand the roles of the casino personnel attending the game. There are usually three dealers working the game and a box person who supervises. One dealer, called the stickman, stands on the side of the table with the players. He has a long stick that he uses to move the dice. He gives the dice to the shooter, takes the dice to the middle of the table between rolls and announces the payoffs of the winning bets in the middle of the table.


Types of Casino Gamblers & The Things They Say

When it comes to gamblers, you will notice a lot of different eclectic personalities and behaviors. You will see everything from superstitious rituals to over zealous excitement with visions of guaranteed jackpots. Whatever category you find yourself in, or your favorite gambling buddies, we feel that most fall in to one of three categories. Check them out and see which you align with the most.
