Video Poker Tip: Glitches

You may think that every play within a casino carries a house advantage and, for the most part, you would be right. Certainly, that is their intention because otherwise they wouldn’t be in business for too long. But keep in mind they’re only human and so are the technicians that set up the pay schedules for VP (video poker) games. Casino ethics may vary from person-to-person, but remember that when the house errs in their own favor there is no remedy for players.
VP Pay Schedules: It is imperative that you own tutorial software and I recommend the grandfather of them all; that’s Dean Zamzow’s WinPoker. If you think there’s a player-advantage glitch then simply copy the pay schedule exactly as you see it and enter the data into your software program when you get home. Be aware that you may have to adapt an existing table for a different game, but as long as the categories are identical, there’s no problem. These two pay schedules in Table 1.1 are on the same multi-game device and many, even most from my observations, are choosing the Deuces Wild (DW) game.

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Craps Tip: The Iron Cross

One of my Golden Touch dice control instructors, a member of my Five Horsemen craps team, and an expert in casino gambling, Jerry “Stickman,” did a complete study of a popular betting system called the Iron Cross. This system is often sold by scammers as a sure-fire way to win at craps with an 83 percent winning probability. Doesn’t that sound delightful?

Let “Stickman” show you the flaw of this very popular but dippy, dopey, dumb betting system.

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Golf Tip: Stretching and Short Game

Spring time…it can only mean a couple of things: Taxes due or golf. Springtime golf in the South is a must for even the novice golfer. Natural beauty abounds…and the temperature is almost perfect. The golf courses are in phenomenal condition and there is nothing better to do than to work on your golf game and ready yourself for the summer months.
We would like to share with you a couple of Spring golf tips that are vital to the success of your game throughout the year.

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SLOT FLOORS of The Midwest – Our Favorites!

What makes a slot floor amazing and worth a visit? In our opinion, it’s the perfect blend of various components. First and foremost, we don’t like to feel crammed, so the floors that are easy to move around in are definitely a must. No one wants to be bumped in the chair while trying to play his or her favorite machine! We also love the casinos that have subtle background music, but not blasting so loud that you literally have to SHOUT your conversation in order to speak with the person sitting next to you. We feel for the non-smokers as well. The ventilation of the floor is extremely important, as cigarette smoke can be unbearable for those who don’t partake.
We are confident that the gaming floors selected in this year’s Top Slot Floors of 2019 will meet your expectations as they have certainly blown our standards out of the water. Our goal is to enhance your slot experience, so use this as a guide on your next gaming quest!

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HOT SLOTS of 2019- Our Top Picks!

It’s a slot player’s world in modern casinos. Slots are by far the hottest games around, with their popularity having surpassed table games decades ago.
Casinos and slot manufacturers alike know they have a good thing going. Their business is to keep you coming back for more with new bonus wrinkles, new ways to play, exciting themes, ever-sharper graphics and sound effects. This year, we’re seeing new spins on old favorites, creative games with variable paybacks, colorful jackpots with payback upgrades for a small ante, and much more. So with eager anticipation, let’s take a look at Hot Slots of 2019!

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Beau Rivage Resort & Casino – Celebrating 20 Years on Biloxi’s Beautiful Shoreline

Beau Rivage Resort & Casino first opened its polished doors to a great fanfare on March 16, 1999 and they have never looked back. At that time, it was the largest single investment in Mississippi’s history at over $750 million. Since then, it has established itself as the premier destination for gamers, their families, and those looking to enjoy the best of Southern hospitality and recreation. The dazzling casino provides some of the best entertainment, gaming, and dining on the Gulf, while also taking pride in their contributions to advance the growth and development of the Biloxi area. To put it into perspective, Beau Rivage employs more than 2,800 full-time positions annually and has been the largest private sector employer in the city for the past 20 years. To say that they have had a major impact on the Gulf Coast community is an understatement.

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VIDEO POKER: Accurate Assumptions

I’ve heard video poker (VP) players make seemingly logical statements that were simply incorrect. For example, the maxim “Never throw away a winning hand” is an untrue statement. There are, in fact, times when you’re dealt either a straight or flush that has to be tossed in favor of holding four cards to the Royal Flush (RF). It depends on the game’s pay schedule. Rely on tutorial software, like Dean Zamzow’s WinPoker, or the strategy cards in my book, “The Video poker Edge”, instead of another player with unknown credentials. Another assumption I frequently hear is “He’s from Vegas and told me…”; that, too, may be incorrect. Always fact-check for accuracy regardless of where the source lives or how frequently they play. Here are some tips for separating the wheat from the chaff while gambling.

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SLOT FLOORS of The South – Our Top Picks!

What makes a slot floor amazing and worth a visit? In our opinion, it’s the perfect blend of various components. First and foremost, we don’t like to feel crammed, so the floors that are easy to move around in are definitely a must. No one wants to be bumped in the chair while trying to play his or her favorite machine! We also love the casinos that have subtle background music, but not blasting so loud that you literally have to SHOUT to speak with the person sitting next to you.

We feel for the non-smokers as well. The ventilation of the floor is extremely important, as cigarette smoke can be unbearable for those who don’t partake. We are confident that the gaming floors selected in this year’s Top Slot Floors of 2019 will meet your expectations as they have certainly blown our standards out of the water. Our goal is to enhance your slot experience, so use this as a guide on your next gaming quest!

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Slot Speculation: Theories and Questions Answered

Slot players like to think about the games they play as much as those who play any other games. A key difference is that you can’t see the inner workings of a slot machine. You can’t watch the process by which results are determined and calculate your chances, like craps, roulette or blackjack players can.That has long led slot players to speculate and form their own theories. Are results really random? (Short answer: yes.) Does it make a difference to your payback percentage if you push buttons, pull handles or touch the screen? (No.) Can the casino choose who wins and who loses? (No.)Modern video slots have brought new questions including both the mechanics of how games work and downright philosophical debates.On the game mechanics side, one question that’s been prominent in reader email is, “How can players who bet different amounts be allowed to play for the same jackpot?

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Win the Ultimate Casino Getaway! Vote for your Favorite Casinos Today!

We are excited to officially kick-off the Voting of our annual Readers’ Choice Awards that runs through the end of February.

CLICK HERE to vote!

We are giving away the Ultimate Gambling Getaway to one lucky voter. The winner will receive an overnight stay at the casino of their choice, dinner on us, gambling money to play with and a gas card to get there. Best of luck in the 2019 Reader’s Choice Awards!

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